
Sanctuary – An Online Workshop for Activist Burnout

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” Audre Lorde.

Location: Zoom, register here for link
Cost: Free
When: July 12, 2020
9am UK | 10am Amsterdam | 4pm Perth | 6pm Sydney

2020 has been a hell of a year. If you’re feeling stressed or burnt out right now, it is not surprising.

Burnout is real, particularly for activists, and takes many different forms. It might be creeping insomnia, or a sense of cynicism for a cause we were once passionate about. Sometimes it comes with worsening anxiety or simply sheer exhaustion, a feeling of just not being able to care anymore.

It doesn’t have to be this way though. There are tools that we can use to change this – tools that go beyond (though definitely include) self-care.

Imagine approaching activism with cycles of dreaming & rest built in to our work, with an intention of beauty-making as much as resistance.

Imagine acting with the same sense of care for yourself that you have for the world. A feeling of thriving while working for a higher cause, with a community of activists around the world.

Who is this for?
If you’re an activist, community organiser, advocate, or anyone who works for change (in any capacity) this is for you. A one hour online workshop looking at the root causes of burnout and how to build practices into our work to go from exhausted to impactful & thriving.

Register here for link:

Laura is an activist & progressive life coach working with changemakers in areas of vision, purpose, values & resilience.

Shoot us a message.