Free workshop

Deep Change

And The Skills of Cultural Wayfinding.

If you’re looking to make deep change in the world – without the burnout or perfectionist cycles – this workshop is for you.

Cultural Wayfinding is about navigating from the world as it is to the world as it could be. 

To get there, we need to do three things.

1. Get Free. To step out of shame & scarcity, dismantling capitalism & patriarchy from the inside out. 

2. Steward our power. To not just claim our power, but read a room for it.  To steward it, and share it with others.  To wield it with love.

3. Find what’s ours to do in this time.  Because we all have a calling in this time, a role to play in remaking the world. 

Hey, I’m Laura

I’m an activist and coach supporting changemakers to Get Free, Steward Power and Find What’s Theirs to do in this time. 

I bring a feminist & activist lens to self-work, looking to the cultural causes and conditions of burnout and perfectionism. 

Want to learn more? Check out my about page or reach out.  

Here’s what the 1 hour will cover:


Learn the framework of Cultural Wayfinding & inner leadership skills to navigate your community from the world as it is  to the world as it could be. 


Understand the stories & mindsets of capitalism & patriarchy, how they manifest as burnout & shame, as well as tools to continue your journey of Getting Free. 


Bridge Systems & Self to make Deep Change.  Because let’s be real… self help without a collective liberation lens is capitalism in disguise. 

Yes, Reserve My Spot!

This is usually some spiel about how if you sign up now you’ll get a great bonus, or there’s limited spots and you better hurry, rush now. 

But I don’t believe in using artificial scarcity.  That’s capitalism in a nutshell.

You will however get a workbook to help you do the work of Getting Free, and there’s plenty of space in this workshop to join.

This workshop is also a taster of my inner leadership program, Cultural Wayfinding: Self Work for World Work.  You’ll have time to learn more about the program at the end (if you’re interested).

So if you feel like this is for you, sign up below.

Cultural Wayfinding


We live at a choice point in history, the unfolding crises – ecological, social and humanitarian – make this clear. 

Our work as Cultural Wayfinders is to discover how we can be part of moving the world from as it is, with all its stories of shame, scarcity & disconnection, to the world as it could be. 

This workshop gives you the tools you need to start this journey.

To unpack the stories of culture, how they manifest through us and as us, and follow the journey of Getting Free.

Because the world needs activists & politicians driving change… but it also needs healers, creatives, artists, farmers, engineers, nurses, social workers.  It needs all of us remaking the world to a place that fosters our love, belonging and thriving.

Come join.

Sign Me Up!

Both workshops are the same but at different times, please choose the time that works best for you.

Best for North America & Europe

Tuesday, February 13

10am PST | 1pm EST | 6pm UK | 7pm CET

Best for North America & Australia

Tuesday, February 13, 4pm PST | 7pm EST

which is

Wednesday, February 14, 11am Sydney AEDT

© 2025 Laura Hartley Public Love Enterprises

We pay respect to the Gadigal and Gayemagal people on whose land this work was born.