How can we… remake HR?


We chat with Rebecca Weaver, the Founder and CEO of HRuprise, an employee advocacy organization that supports employees and companies with flexible, independent HR for the new world of work.

After 20 years in HR leadership at Fortune-50 companies and startups, she became disillusioned with her own profession in the wake of #MeToo, and realized just how much is stacked in favor of the company.Thus, HRuprise was born to help level the playing field for employees.

Rebecca advises fast-growing companies on how to build equitable HR practices from the ground up, and provides cutting-edge thought leadership on HR disruption as a public speaker, writer and as host of the Problem Performers podcast.

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Laura Hartley: I’m Laura Hartley and welcome to the Public Love Project. This podcast is all about re-imagining and remaking the world, creating the conditions for social healing and collective thriving. Each week, we dive into topics around resilience, social change, birthing, and more just, and regenerative world and how we can use our head heart and hands in action. Before i introduce today’s guest and topic though i have one request head on over to apple podcasts or spotify wherever you’re listening and hit subscribe rate and review it helps us work to reach new listeners

Today’s guest is Rebecca Weaver. Rebecca is the founder and CEO of HRUprise, an employee [00:01:00] advocacy organization that supports employees and companies with flexible, independent HR for the new world of work. After 20 years in HR leadership at fortune 50 companies and startups, she became disillusioned with her own profession in the wake of #metoo and realized just how much is stacked in favor of the company.

Thus HRUprise was born to level the playing field for employees. Yes. Rebecca advisors fast-growing companies on how to build equitable HR practices from the ground up and provides cutting edge thought leadership on HR disruption as a public speaker, writer and host of the problem performance podcast

Welcome Rebecca. Thank you so much for coming on the show.

Rebecca Weaver: Thank you so much for having me. It’s great to be. ,

Laura Hartley: this podcast is all about social healing and about how we can remake the world. And I so love what you do. , I’m really hungry for a change in the way that we work. And to me, this is all about, what you do and what your business is about.

But I would love to hear from you a little bit about HR [00:02:00] Uprise and how you came to be doing this work.

Rebecca Weaver: Sure. So I guess it was about five years ago now, five or six years ago, it was in the wake of #metoo, going viral. As we now know, it was not the first time that hashtag had been used, but these conversations that emerged globally sounded really different from anything that I could remember in my professional career.

I hear all these women standing up and talking about the experience they’d had. I myself was looking back at my own experiences and understanding those with new language and understanding them in a new light. And at the same time, I was also looking back as a career HR professional. At that time, I had about 15 years of HR experience.

So I’m looking back at multiple decades of HR. And I was thinking to [00:03:00] myself, my God, we have been part of the problem. HR has been part of the problem that has part of the system that was created that allowed. Misogyny harassment discrimination to take root in the workplace. And why, why aren’t we talking about that?

Why aren’t we having conversations about that within HR? I was seeing plenty of headlines at the time. That would say things like if you’re harassed, don’t go to HR or HR is not your friend. And here’s why, so there were plenty of people talking about HR. But I didn’t see any of that conversation coming from within, and at the time I was the head of HR for an advertising agency.

And so some of the creatives came together and we talked about it. We kept having these conversations at work. And so they came up with the logo and helped me come up with a [00:04:00] name. And I called at HR uprising because I was calling for an up rise within HR. And I just kept saying to the team, I just have a lot to say, I have a lot to say, and I need a place to say it.

And we decided Instagram seemed like the best place to do that. There was a lot happening at the time, especially within advertis. Advertising was having its own sort of me too moment at the time. And so Instagram seemed like the best place to do it. So I launched this Instagram account with a partner of mine from work and it just exploded.

And so the initial response, we had like a thousand followers in the first week and the initial response was so far beyond what we had expected. You know, we, we started posting, you know, pretty non HR kinds of things. We were swearing and doing all kinds of fun stuff. And, you know, calling on HR about, these are all the [00:05:00] ways that we really need to do things differently that we need to get our act together, et cetera, et C.

And what was really fascinating is almost immediately, we started hearing from non HR people in direct messages. So they were employees who started to reach out and they would say, I witnessed someone being harassed. How can I be a good ally without getting myself into trouble with HR? Or I just found out I make a lot less than my male counterparts.

Is there anything I can do about. Or I was asked to sign an NDA. What should I know? Like, although these questions that we realized, well, if you had a trusted HR partner, you wouldn’t need to reach out to HR or to someone who essentially is a complete on the internet. And so it really sent me down this path of looking at how can the question almost from the very beginning was how couldn’t I use my experience, my [00:06:00] decades of experience in HR and flip the tables, how can I use my experience to help support the employee in the workplace and pull myself out of that double bind of.

And the double bind is essentially this. You ask most people what’s HRS role in a workplace. Right. And they would say they most likely would say company culture. They’re there to be there for the employee. Right? Most of the time people would say that even HR would tell you that a lot of the time employee development, things like that.

The reality is, first of all, all of that is well intentioned and in good environments is absolutely the case. However, the reality is if ever there is a conflict between what’s best for the employee and what’s best for the organization, the organization’s gonna win out every single time. And the role of HR is there to [00:07:00] support the organization first.

And so. What I kept asking from the very beginning with HR Uprise is how can I use the experience that I have, because it is so helpful, you know, friends or family would reach out and they would say, Hey, I’m dealing with this issue. And I could step out of my obligation of the company in that moment.

And I could say here’s some questions to ask. Here’s some things to be aware of. Here’s how to protect yourself. Right. I could give them that completely unfettered advice. And so that became the question of how can we provide that on a broader. So that is ultimately what turned into where we are today with HR app price, we offer coaching.

So we have a network of coaches who have experienced very similar to mine but lots of different industries lots of different experience, types and levels can give that advice and employees don’t have to ever worry about it, getting back to their employer because it’s completely dependen.

And then in addition, we’ve started working with [00:08:00] companies because we want companies to do better. We need, we need companies to do better. And so it’s really kind of both sides to the business, but that’s, that’s where we are today.

Laura Hartley: Yes. I mean, I wanna celebrate this so much because I think this is so important and having this dual approach of working with companies as they are, but also kind of supporting people when they don’t have that access.

But I wanna step back a little bit because they found it really interesting when you said that, HR at the time, wasn’t having these conversations. And again, when you started on Instagram, that it was non HR people who were actually resonating with your message and who were reaching out to you.

do you think that has changed, but also, what was holding back those conversations within HR? Was it a lack of awareness or was it a more systemic issue?

Rebecca Weaver: That’s a great question. I, I mean, I think it’s probably a multiple things, but. What I, what I experienced I will say, like that was a [00:09:00] surprise.

You know, when we first launched and started hearing from employees, I was not anticipating how much the message would resonate with employees. And what it told me and what I have seen over and over again since then is just how hungry people are for a different approach. In the workplace. Like I would love to have a great relationship.

I would love to have someone there who truly is there to advocate for me as the employee. They’re very hungry for that. And yet the system that we have today and certainly the way that HR is structured in most organizations, doesn’t support that. In addition to that, what I would say is I was anticipating a bit of pushback from, from HR as a broad community.

I mean, I certainly knew that there are plenty of other HR professionals who would view things similarly to how I did. , I had tons of conversations with them as, or come as we’re getting ready to launch [00:10:00] HR up rise and lots of aha moments in those conversations. And. But I, but I still anticipated some pushback and I would say as a broad profession, we still have so far to go.

So, so far to go. What has been amazing is how quickly we amassed this incredible network of HR, vice coaches. So we have 80 plus coaches who signed on the majority of them signed on in the first couple months. And we’ve had to have a waiting list ever since then. That’s incredible. And so, yeah, and, and I will say it’s I wasn’t anticipating that either.

And that’s been a really pleasant surprise, and again has really shown just how much. There’s a desire within the HR community to do things differently. You know, all of these HR, upright coaches have been attracted by the [00:11:00] idea of being able to do things differently. To be able to look at their practices as policies, how we do things, give advice based on their experience that that’s really what’s drawn them into the experience.

So that part has been really wonderful.

Laura Hartley: Yeah, I’m curious as well. You know, we’re recording this interview at a really interesting moment in time. Obviously only a few days ago in the us, Roe V. Wade was overturned and. It feels like we’re possibly on the brink of, another form of revolution that we need here.

Yeah. Given your business, an HR uprising was born out of me too. Another really pivotal moment in time. I’m curious about your thoughts about this around whether companies should speak out on this issue, how we support employees, what is the role of organizations in this space that we’re facing at the moment?

Rebecca Weaver: The past couple of years? [00:12:00] Have been, it feels like one massive social movement after another. Me too feels like it was maybe the beginning of that. And then we have black lives matter and the pandemic of course affected everyone, but the social movements with black lives matter.

And now, now we’re looking at reproductive health and how that is impacted in the workplace. What I’ve said for years is that there is no such thing as an apolitical workplace. It just does not exist. And it’s really, really disheartening to me to see was I believe last summer there were a couple of companies.

That came out and basically said we’re banning all political conversation within the workplace. We’re just here to do a job and blah, blah, blah. And it’s, it’s so disheartening to me because number one, I don’t think that’s even possible, even if you wanted to. I don’t think it’s possible. [00:13:00] Number two is certainly not the ideal that we should have for the workplace employees.

There are so many employees, especially those who are coming from a marginalized identity. that their very existence is political. And now as a woman, I am experiencing that as well. My very existence is political. My definition of healthcare is political where I might be able to seek the rights that I have are now determined by which state I live.

At a fundamental level that is political. And so I think we are starting to see, I have been encouraged by the number of organizations that have come out in the past few days. And even before that, there were some organizations that came out even before the official ruling to say that they are now adding that they will pay for [00:14:00] travel.

For anyone, any of their employees who need to travel to another state for an abortion, that they will pay the travel costs for that that they’re ensuring that abortion care is covered in their medical benefits, things like that. I’ve been encouraged by the number of companies that we’ve heard from.

And also there are so many more to. So many more to go. And part of what’s really, really concerning, especially based on the, the clients that we typically work with at HR up rise. What I am very fearful of is that we will quickly get to a place where We essentially have two realities for employees in, in the United States.

And if you work for a large organization where putting those kinds of benefits in place is very easy for them to do structurally versus working for a smaller business, where they tend to see many more barriers or they have more fear. [00:15:00] Around putting something like that in place. What I wanna tell businesses is it’s absolutely possible.

Even if you’re a small business, it’s absolutely possible to do it in a manageable way. And so , we could talk about that for days. It’s absolutely possible, but again, it really does require it’s gonna require so much more conversation it’s gonna require so much more education. And that will be honestly the.

The crux of the work that we will be doing in the near future with all of our clients. Yeah.

Laura Hartley: And I can see that this is one of the challenges when healthcare becomes political and is linked to employment, and then employment says, well,, this is not a political space and this is where we don’t discuss this.

You there’s a real barrier there. And I loved one of your, your quotes, which was talking about, professionalism is dehumanizing. This very way that we go to work and we’re supposed to kind of shut off our other identities to turn off all the other things that are happening to us in our [00:16:00] life.

And I’m wondering if that plays into that conditioning that, there’s a space for politics. There’s a space to talk about these difficult things and it’s

Rebecca Weaver: not here. Absolutely. It’s absolutely true. Professionalism, you know, what we have tended to view as professional in the workplace tends to do with what you wear, how you do your hair, how you show up, how you communicate, the things that you value the written word above all else.

For example, like all of these things that we tend to to say are characteristics of the professional are all rooted in white supremacy. And we don’t talk about that enough. So these idea, this idea that for black men and women that wearing their hair in a natural way is considered unprofessional. and I bet you’d be hard pressed to [00:17:00] find a black man or woman who works in a corporate setting who hasn’t been told that at least once in their career.

Right. And it, and again, I mean, think about it on its surface that we tell somebody that the way that their hair naturally grows out of their head is considered unprofessional. I mean, It, it just boggles the mind. and, and yet that has been the quote unquote wisdom right. Of the, of the professional world for decades, even things like Worshiping punctuality and, worshiping individualism over community focus or collaboration.

All of those things are, are rooted in white supremacy. And, and we have to be willing to talk about these things. We have to be willing to talk about how, whether out, whether it’s been. Intentional or not the impact, what the impact has been on our employees for, for [00:18:00] all of these years. So, yeah. Cons concepts about professionalism or executive presence.

That’s another phrase that’s used frequently, right? That’s this nebulous. But really what it means is, you know, are you showing up like a white male typically would in the workplace, right. It’s powerful, aggressive, right. And, and all of these things that we hold up as being ideal for a white male in the workplace, we punish women and people of color for showing those same ideals in the workplace.

Laura Hartley: Oh, I, you know, I’ve had that experience myself, this idea that to, to lean in, or to kind of claim your space that you need to act in, a manner, very similar to how men act and I’m particular to how white men act that you need to obey. And, at the same time, the double standards that, if you act in that way, you’re often seen as pushy, you’re seen as bossy, you’re seen as controlling, and it’s not really leadership material.[00:19:00]

Right. You know? Right. One of. The things that I love, you have a podcast. It is called problem performers. Yes. And as soon as I heard that title, I was like, oh my God, that’s

Rebecca Weaver: me. Because I,

Laura Hartley: I was labeled at problem performers so many times, like I could do my job incredibly well. I was very efficient.

I was very good at what I did, but I bucked the status quo a little bit, you know, I challenged the norms within an organization and I thought, Hey, we could do this better. We could do this differently. And very few places, even the ones that liked to label themselves as innovative were really like, oh yeah, let let’s try that out.

It was, oh, you know, Laura is wonderful, but perhaps a little bit difficult to manage her a little bit outspoken. Yes. So I’m wondering, what do you think of this? You know, how did you come up with this title?

Rebecca Weaver: that’s exactly it. That’s exactly it. It’s another one of those concepts that I think we, we have to blow up entirely.

I named the [00:20:00] podcast problem performers because all the most interesting people I know have been called a problem performer, at least once right. They’ve been, they’ve been labeled that and I too have been given that title. It’s because the, the people who are, who are pushing back on that status quo, the people who are pushing for change within the workplace.

I mean, the status quo does not appreciate that. You know, the, the folks who have retained power and I, I mean that more structurally than I do even individually, right. But the, the, the folks who have retained power for so long. Don’t like people attempting to disrupt the system you know, attempting to buck the system in any way.

And so labeling somebody, a problem of performer is one of the most classic tools that is used. All of a sudden it’s oh, well, their, their performance is not meeting standard. And here are the [00:21:00] four reasons why. And so part of it is I wanna call attention to that as well, because I know far too many people who have fallen into that trap of being labeled problem performer and thinking that it actually has something to do with them.

Yeah. This

Laura Hartley: internalization that I’m bad, or I’m not good for what I do. There’s something wrong with

Rebecca Weaver: me. Exactly. And I would say. Now most likely there’s something wrong with the system, especially if , you are fighting the good fight speaking up when you know you should , listening to that internal voice of yours.

Yeah, it is the system and that is the part that we have to continue to work to bust it down. However, we.

Laura Hartley: yeah. , and so many of us, I think, who were labeled problem performers, certainly listening to this podcast have kind of pivoted into entrepreneurship, into mm-hmm , , I run a program business for the revolution, which is about [00:22:00] how do we create a feminist business beyond capitalism, beyond patriarchy, and really disentangle ourselves from these systems, including white supremacy as well.

But one of the challenges, , we face in entrepreneurship, I think this idea that we have to do everything and we do at the beginning. Yeah. , you, you wear every single hat, but then knowing how to actually create the environment and the culture that we want can be challenging. So I read, and I wanna quote you here and sorry, I love doing this, but visionary organizations have to run on passion for years before they turn a profit.

This means that all kinds of emotional and interpersonal compromises that get made in order to keep. when the company finally gets traction and begins to grow. Many of these early benign issues morph into deep rooted toxicities. And, , I think both you and I probably run a visionary organization that runs also on passion as well as profit mm-hmm.

so curious, like [00:23:00] where do we start with this? How do we stop that from happening?

Rebecca Weaver: I think part of it, part of it is, is having to be intentional from day one. And part of what I was trying to get with that piece that you quoted is that it can be very, very easy. And we work with a lot of organizations that are at this stage too.

Very, very easy, because there are so many demands on your time. So many places, you know, you’re, you’re really trying to boil the ocean. , when, especially in the early days of entrepreneurship and what we find is that. when especially when an organization gets to maybe it’s funding opens up opportunities for hiring and they start to get to the place where they.

Engaging hiring new team members on that it can be very, very easy to go back to. Okay. Who have I worked with before? Who do I know? [00:24:00] Right. Who can come in very quickly and hit the ground running, right? These are all the phrases that we hear frequently. And the challenge with that is that by definition, you are not building a diverse team.

If that is your sole. If that is solely what you’re relying on for hiring a team. And I think it’s important to recognize how frequently this happens and acknowledge that so that we can then do better going forward. And so my, my recommendation, especially for very early stage entrepreneurs is start from the beginning.

Look, there’s a one thing that I recommend super simple. But a game changer in your mindset, which is as you’re thinking about bringing other people on board. So whether it’s team members, whether it’s contractors that you might be working with, maybe it’s a consultant you’re gonna bring in to work with you.

[00:25:00] What will this person who’s the culture add? Not the culture fit. Oh, I love that. Great. So again, very, very simple, but it can be really, really profound in just shifting your mindset to thinking about how can I bring this on? Who, who has a perspective that I don’t have, who has a skill set that I don’t currently have, who you know, has a lived experience.

That’s nothing like mine, you know, all of those things are going to add to your culture. And this is the part I don’t know that we talk about nearly enough. When you’re building a diverse team, it’s by definition, not going to be the, oh, we just slide in together. We come together and it just all fits, right.

It is not going to be that, that type of environment because who are you most likely to have that? Oh, we just slide in together. We finish each other’s sentences. Right? Those are gonna be [00:26:00] people who are very much like yourself.

Laura Hartley: Yeah. And people who uphold the status quo then as well of an organization exactly.

Are not really challenging anything.

Rebecca Weaver: Exactly. And so if you’re looking for that culture add, it will by definition be potentially more challenging communication wise. It may be more challenging for you to come together and to find your goals. It may be more challenging. Like those things may take just a little bit longer.

But it will be infinitely worth it, and you will create a much, much better product, whatever that is for your business, you will create an infinitely better product down the road. If, if those are the things that you are super intentional about from the very beginning, Hmm.

Laura Hartley: And what are these myths that we need to let go of, , in order to have more diverse hiring and to be conscious, , in contractors team members, in whatever we’re doing, because you mentioned one of them that like, we just need to hit the ground running.

, I think another one is that,[00:27:00] , it’s easy to hire within our network. It’s just, it’s so much easier. Yeah. What else, what else comes up? What are some of these thought patterns that keep us stuck in hiring, , culture fits versus

Rebecca Weaver: culture? Yeah. One that I hear frequently is, well, we’d love to hire more diverse candidates.

There just aren’t that many in our profession and, and I hear that. in just about every profession, just about every industry across the board. Well, we would love to, we just, it’s a pipeline problem. I just don’t exist here. Yeah. It’s a pipeline problem or yes, it’s a geographical problem. This is not a super diverse city or things like that.

And to that, quite frankly, I say bullshit. Is it okay if I said that on your podcast? Absolutely. Go ahead. I do. I mean, I. Throw the bullshit flag on that. Again, you just, you have to be intentional about where you’re seeking out your candidates. Again, you do have to go [00:28:00] beyond your personal networks. You know, there are tons of studies that say for those of us white people that it’s really, really min minuscule percentage of white people who have one or two true.

Friends who are people of color, like a minuscule number, shocking number, actually. And so you think about that again, playing itself out, over and over again to your personal networks. If you were going back to your personal network in who, you know, if that’s solely who you’re relying on for your hiring will what kind of culture do you think that you’re gonna be creating?

So the, yeah, the pipeline. issue is probably one of the biggest myths that I would like to debunk.

Laura Hartley: What do you think of, , the workplace as a family, as we’re often sold as well, especially when we’re looking at this diversity, right? Is it a family

Rebecca Weaver: [00:29:00] workplace is not a family and I quite honestly, I find it a huge red flag when companies use that term.

I’m not saying that. It’s funny. Cause I, I posted about this not too long ago and I don’t know that I, I think it’s probably the most comments I’ve ever gotten on a LinkedIn post. And I had quite a few people disagreeing with me, which was interesting. I even got a couple of D DMS on this one. I don’t know why they didn’t wanna be like notified or identified publicly in public.

Yeah. Yeah. I’m not saying that companies don’t have coworkers who are very supportive of each other who go above and beyond to support one another who work very well together, who collaborate well together. I think all of that is obviously the ideal and what we wanna create. However, that’s not a family.

And also I think when you [00:30:00] use the, the trope of. Our workplace is a family more often than not. My experience has been, those are the company cultures that are pretty toxic. They’re coming from pretty toxic family relationships. Many people do not have a positive connotation with family. And so I think being aware of all of, all of those things, like what I have seen is it’s far too often been used as an excuse to it’s been used to excuse really bad behavior within the workplace.

So what I would propose that companies think of instead is I would love for us to think of ourselves as a high performing sports. And so we are looking to recruit other super hyper performers. Each person has a role to play on the team. They know what that role is. They’re really clear about that.

They’re really clear about how their role, if [00:31:00] affects others on the team, we all have a singular goal that we wanna win together. Like that, to me, feels like a much healthier metaphor for the workplace than a family.

Laura Hartley: Yeah. And this feeling that, you know, how your role actually influences and supports others, cuz that’s something that I’ve also found, working in organizations is departments and roles are very siloed and sometimes you’re just kind of doing your thing, but I’m like, well, how does this fit into the broader picture?

You know, what would happen? Absolutely. If this role

Rebecca Weaver: stopped. . Yep, absolutely. Absolutely. I mean, that’s really the role of a good leader. You know, is that communication bridging, bridging you know, one department to another one division to another, whatever the appropriate structure of the workplace is.

But that’s the, of a good leader you know, is really to, as I teach companies about company culture, one of the questions I get frequently is like, what is the side of a, a [00:32:00] good healthy culture? And what I would say is if you were to ask any person within your organization, what their role is and how does it contribute to the company’s success.

And if every person within the organization can re reasonably reliably answer that question. That’s the sign of a healthy culture. To me, it’s from the janitor all the way to the CEO, right? If everybody along the path can say, here’s my job. Here’s how my job contributes to the success of this organization.

Here’s how I contribute to. You know, the mission of the organization, our goals that we’ve set, whatever that is, right? However, your company defines that if each person can do that, then that’s the sign of a really healthy comp company culture. To me,

what [00:33:00] would you

Laura Hartley: say your boldest? Most beautiful vision of HR could be.

Rebecca Weaver: Mm

  1. I love that question. I think my boldest biggest vision honestly, would be seeing the entire profession changing really dramatically. I like to say like blowing it up entirely. Not everybody shares that being a beautiful vision, but I think that sounds beautiful. Really, and truly the structure of HR has not changed.

For over a hundred years. And, and I’m speaking specifically about the us, but I think this is the case for, for many Western countries. The role is not the, the structure has not changed in over a hundred years. And , I see study after study, after study there was one in just a few years ago that estimated that 80%

of [00:34:00] employees do not trust HR. And we go back to, and I, I think that’s probably pretty accurate depending on your industry or your company. You go back to our earlier conversation about that double bind. I think that’s why the other part of the problem is that we’ve continued to heap on these expectations of our HR professionals.

And I will say as much as I love to beat up on the profession, I am not here to beat up on the professionals, the people who are in the role, because they’re working harder than they ever have by and large, we’re seeing massive amounts of burnout within HR. And I think part of the problem is it was already heading this direction.

We’re continuing to heap on more and more expectations that are quite frankly really unrealistic. So we expect in many organizations, the same person who investigates misconduct in the workplace to also be the person who helps [00:35:00] decide who’s ready for the next promotion, which is an inherent conflict of interest.

No wonder nobody trusts HR, right. When we have that kind of system set. And yet now we’ve also heaped on top of that chief mask compliance officer and chief medical officer for the organization. Right. And like we we’ve now heaped work from home or work anywhere. Chief come up with our remote work policy officer for the organization as well.

And so, you know, it’s just gotten worse over the past couple of years. And so really, and truly, I would love for us to see a completely different structure. That that really separates out the, how do we support employees in the workplace and the, how do we ensure compliance? And the inner workings, the operations of the organization continues to run smoothly and we just see a complete separation of those two things.

That would be my dream.

Laura Hartley: I love that, you know, I think there’s [00:36:00] so much. More space and more opportunities and more possibilities that could come from actually, you know, separating out those roles. I want to really thank you for coming on the show today. Is there anything, any last piece of advice that you wanna offer your, our listeners who might be thinking about starting a business or running that their post capitalist, feminist, you know, business, what can they do to take something away from this

Rebecca Weaver: conversation?

I love that my best advice. I think for someone who’s just starting out honestly, is to pay attention to everything. And I , that, that sounds a little counterintuitive in a, you know, we must also be mindful, but what I mean by that is there’s so much that I think of now that has had direct impact on.

My views about the world how I run my business, the things that become really critical that started [00:37:00] as a kernel of something, you know, many, many years ago, or maybe it was someone I, that I met with who now introduces me to someone else who becomes a really key business partner ally for me.

I don’t think there’s any wasted. When it comes to following the path and the pursuit of passion it may not always be entirely clear what that will look like and how that might turn into an actual business for you. But I come back to the quote, I think it’s Howard Thurman that says Oh, shoot.

I’m gonna butcher right now. It’s a quote that says don’t ask what the world needs ask what makes you come alive because what the world needs is for more people to come alive. Did I completely, no, no, I think you right.

Laura Hartley: Okay, good. By the quote as well. You know, I agree. We need a, we need everybody in [00:38:00] creating a more beautiful world, the revolution calls, but every.

To look within and to find new ways of doing things. So I wanna thank you again so much for coming on the show today. Everyone, please go check out Rebecca Weaver and HRUprise. All of the links Instagram LinkedIn website will be in the show notes below. I love when listeners suggest topics or guests.

So please head on over to our website. publiclove.Enterprises and send me an email. Otherwise you can follow me on Instagram @laura.h.hartley thank you everyone.

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