
Internal Revolution

Supporting changemakers to lay the foundations of thriving.

A six week course for changemakers, because you can’t serve a burning world from a place of burnout. 

We deserve a world where everyone can flourish.


Thriving is the natural result of the right conditions.  Just like when a plant receives the right sunlight, rain, nutrients and soil, it thrives – so too do we.

But our culture isn’t built on the conditions of thriving.

It’s built on systems of harm. Systems of endless output, and endless consumption. Systems that continually devalue our body, our time, our energy in the endless pursuit of growth.  

And with these conditions, burnout is a natural response.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Another world is possible.

Our role as changemakers is to embody another world. 

To lay the foundations for thriving in our lives, communities and organisations.

If you’re ready, read on. 

This course may be for you if:

Taking Time Off Comes With a Healthy dose of guilt

Capitalism & patriarchy demand two things of women: that we put our needs second, and that we never stop producing.  When we internalise these messages (#internalisedcapitalism) rest or pleasure can come with a certain uncomfortable feeling. 

you're tired of running on empty all the time

Is the gas tank light on again? Still hoping you’ve got enough miles to see you through to the weekend, or the holidays?  This is your reminder that it’s okay to slow down.  That urgency doesn’t always mean working faster. That we can only find direction when we pause to listen.

You're - rightly - pissed

I don’t know a single person who’s reached burnout without also feeling angry.  Anger at the continued demands to do it all, anger at the ongoing call to put your needs second, anger that you maybe don’t know what to do with.

you're always there to help others... but you can wait

Always there to lend a helping hand, or pick up the slack when a team member is away, or volunteer with that task no-one wanted? But then struggle to prioritise your own needs or boundaries? This course is for you. 

Burnout is a system problem

It’s not a weakness, inadequacy or something we end by ‘being stronger’ or ‘pushing through’.

It’s a result of ways of working that do not support us, and a symptom of a toxic culture.

It’s a system problem manifesting in individuals and so there is work to do at two levels. 

First, within us – our bodies, hearts and minds. Understanding the ways we have internalised the messages of culture, and returning to what feels authentic and true. 

Secondly, as a community, in how we come together, the working styles we embody and our relationship to conflict, scarcity and belonging.

Who’s this for?


Whatever outward form your work takes…

You feel things.

You see things.

And you know another world is possible.

So whether you’re an changemaker, activist, feminist, liberation seeker, non profit director, healer, artist or faith worker – whatever outward form your work takes – if you know another world is possible, this is for you. 

“Internal Revolution has been the most rewarding, lovely, compassionate, gentle, focused, and yet medicinal program that has healed wounds and given me new ways to go forward.”

I have spent my entire professional career working in the nonprofit world across a range of disciplines from the arts to social justice. And the settings just became harder and harder and harder to tolerate and finally I stopped. All of it. Sat on a chair. Looked out the window at clouds. So burned out that I couldn’t… I just couldn’t.

Internal Revolution has been the most rewarding, lovely, compassionate, gentle, focused, and yet medicinal program that has healed wounds and given me new ways to go forward. Laura is a brilliant original thinker and synthesizer and I looked forward to the lessons and the calls. My co-participants were wonderful as well. I could be safe and honest and well-met. I look forward to participating in more of Laura’s work.

Inside this program

The Breakdown

Here’s what we cover in Internal Revolution

Mapping the territory


You’ll learn the four major causes behind changemaker burnout, looking at both the personal and systemic viewpoints.  We’ll explore the manifestations of internalised capitalism, and how you can start Getting Free.

the body and stress


When we talk about stress, it’s easy to focus on the ‘stressor’, missing the physical toll of stress in the body. Thriving isn’t just about the external condtiions, it’s about being able to recognise what is happening in our bodies, and what we need.  The module focuses on reconnecting you to your body using embodiment practices and awareness practices. 

needs and boundaries


Real Self Care isn’t bubble baths or face masks or anything you need to buy.  It’s meeting your physical, emotional and spiritual needs. This week helps you learn to identify and meet your core needs, so that you can nourish to wholeness, and set strong boundaries to protect your time and energy.



Stories are just beliefs. They are the way that we make sense of the world.  We look at the stories we carry, and how they can perpetuate a sense of stress & danger or a foundation of thriving.  This is the week you’ll be laying strong, regenerative foundations on which to base your work, so that you can stay for the long haul.

Collective thriving


We look at collective burnout practices, and how you can shift the micro-cultures of your community to promote flourishing. Because burnout is not an individual problem – it’s a symptom of a toxic culture.  You’ll learn the tools and resources needed to end hustle culture and foster regenerative ways of working. 

“I recommend this course to anyone wanting to flourish in our work for a fairer world.”

After doing Laura’s course I am better equipped to care for myself and others in my team, so we can thrive in the long-term to keep working for change. Some concepts were new and confronting like “internalised capitalism”. Some concepts were revived, like listening to my body in fresh ways to know when to set boundaries. Reflecting on “norms” of how we wrok together was also very useful. I have changed the way I relate to my team, and now allow more space for fun and re-energising “non-productive” activities. Laura was a caring and articulate presenter and facilitator. I recommend this course to anyone wanting to flourish in our work for a fairer world.

Course Dates

Internal Revolution begins on Sunday, November 10 with the first access to content.

Each week you’ll receive access to video content, reflection prompts and worksheets.

Live 60 minute coaching calls will take place each week of the course to go deeper.

These calls will be recorded if you can’t make it, and will take place on:

 Best for North America & Europe

Session 1
Wednesday, November 13 2024
10am Pacific | 1pm Eastern | 6pm UK | 7pm CET

Session 2
Wednesday, November 20 2024
10am Pacific | 1pm Eastern | 6pm UK | 7pm CET

Session 3
Wednesday, November 27 2024
10am Pacific | 1pm Eastern | 6pm UK | 7pm CET

Session 4
Wednesday, December 4 2024
10am Pacific | 1pm Eastern | 6pm UK | 7pm CET

Session 5
Wednesday, December 11 2024
10am Pacific | 1pm Eastern | 6pm UK | 7pm CET

Session 6
Wednesday, December 18 2024
10am Pacific | 1pm Eastern | 6pm UK | 7pm CET

 Best for Europe & Australia

Session 1
Wednesday, November 13 2024
8:30am UK | 9:30am CET | 7:30pm AEDT Sydney

Session 2
Wednesday, November 20 2024
8:30am UK | 9:30am CET | 7:30pm AEDT Sydney

Session 3
Wednesday, November 27 2024
8:30am UK | 9:30am CET | 7:30pm AEDT Sydney

Session 4
Wednesday, December 4 2024
8:30am UK | 9:30am CET | 7:30pm AEDT Sydney

Session 5
Wednesday, December 11 2024
8:30am UK | 9:30am CET | 7:30pm AEDT Sydney

Session 6
Wednesday, December 18 2024
8:30am UK | 9:30am CET | 7:30pm AEDT Sydney


You have two options to join us:

1. Weekly Course: Join the weekly live sessions with access to all the videos and worksheets, for $487 AUD – approximately $330 USD.

You can pay in full, or over two monthly payments on payment plan.

2. Weekly Course plus 1:1 Coaching:  In addition to joining Internal Revolution, you’ll receive six 1 hour long coaching sessions to help plant the seeds of thriving in your life and community. These are organised at a time that suits you, and can be spread over four months. 

If you’d like to pay the course & coaching over a payment plan please email me for options.

After you sign up, you’ll receive an email confirming which timezone cohort you would like to join. 


“I highly recommend this course for those working – whether paid or unpaid – in fields of change making and activism.”

I enrolled in the Internal Revolution course because, as a climate and environmental activist, I felt like I was embroiled in an enormous battle and sometimes this was overwhelming. I am committed to the long haul, so I needed to learn a better way to avoid burnout, to manage my everyday life and work, and to find ways to thrive. 

Laura is a wise teacher. She is compassionate and down-to-Earth. It was great that, although the course adopted a wholistic reflection and coaching approach, the material was soundly aligned with recent scientific research on the mind, the brain, the body and mindfulness.

Through the course I have developed a deep understanding of how I can work in ways that support me. I learned tools and strategies to help avoid burnout so I can answer my calling in ways that are sustainable rather than depleting.

I highly recommend this course for those working – whether paid or unpaid – in fields of change making and activism.

Frequently asked questions

When will I get access to this program?

You’ll get access to the module’s videos and worksheets starting Sunday, November 10.  The material will inform the coaching calls, which start on Wednesday, November 13. 

How is the content delivered?

You’ll receive videos, audio & worksheets you can watch at your own pace, but will line up with our weekly live community calls.

Recordings will be available if you cannot make the live call.

Refund policy

Refunds are not available for change of mind.

If your circumstances have changed, please email me and we can discuss refund options or transferring the value to coaching sessions.

Question not answered?

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My weekly-ish newsletter for changemakers and all those who know another world is possible. 


© 2024 Laura Hartley Public Love enterprises

We pay respect to the Gadigal people of the Eora nation, on whose land this work was born.