

another world is possible – but we need to believe in her first. 

Living from the Heart… & Other Lessons from Bhutan

Living from the Heart… & Other Lessons from Bhutan

I was slowly settling into a new life in Amsterdam when I saw the advertisement for the Slow Change program in Bhutan.  Despite being a world away, I instantly knew I needed to join.  2016 had been a challenging year for me – I moved countries twice, ended a...

5 Daily Habits to Stop Procrastinating

5 Daily Habits to Stop Procrastinating

Procrastinate much? Yeah, me too. That’s why it has sometimes taken me months to put out a blog or three weeks to renew my gym membership. Procrastination is pretty common, and most of us know that it doesn’t serve us, so why do we do it? Why is it so hard to follow...

Happiness as a Way of Life

Happiness as a Way of Life

Recently I was speaking with a friend about what makes a happy life, and like many people, he didn’t know what made him happy. I didn’t find his answer surprising, except he then said that he didn’t really need to be happy. He viewed striving for happiness as...

When We Push People Away

When We Push People Away

Recently I felt hurt by a close friend. She wasn’t aware of this, and being honest, I never told her. The reason is not important, and is more a reflection of me than her. As with any conflict though, feelings of rejection and frustration that used to be frequent in...

What Story Are You Writing?

What Story Are You Writing?

I believe it was Carlos Castaneda that once said, if you don’t have a story, you have nothing to live up to. We all have a story that we tell ourselves. A story of where we come from, who we are, what we are capable of, how lovable or worthy we are, our likes and...

Are you neglecting your dreams?

Are you neglecting your dreams?

  A friend of mine recently told me that although he has dreams for his life, he had learnt to be realistic, and not pursue them. He went on to explain that there were people who tried and tried but never succeeded, and that it was easier to ignore his dreams and...