

another world is possible – but we need to believe in her first. 

Thresholds & The Space Between Us

Thresholds & The Space Between Us

If you're holding big emotions for the world with climate change at the moment, come along to the workshop this Wednesday on Eco-Anxiety. We'll be using a mix of somatics & storytelling practices to help you make sense of this time, and find your most meaningful...

The Language of Violence

The Language of Violence

"You'll smash it."  "You're making a killing".  "Shoot over an email".  "Find your target market".  "Just keep banging it out".   How often in business & life do we use the language of violence? It might seem silly, but the way we work matters - and that includes...

Business Beyond Capitalism

Business Beyond Capitalism

Business Beyond Capitalism I saw this sign the other day – People & Planet over Profit.  As a climate and environmental activist, it’s not the first time I’ve seen it. I’m sure it is held high at climate strikes all over the world today as the Global Climate...

The Past & Present Together

The Past & Present Together

While Covid has dominated the news (and my own world) the last few weeks, it’s been heartening to hear some different news where the Colston Four were found not guilty in the UK. If you haven’t followed, in June 2020, as Black Lives Matter protests were sprouting...

Regenerative Culture

Regenerative Culture

It may be Autumn here in the southern hemisphere, but this time of year, with Easter, Ramadan, Passover & other holy holidays, is still a time of renewal and resurrection.  Can we also make it a time of regeneration? The word regenerative is more & more...

Now Is The Time

Now Is The Time

Happy New Year! Collectively we look at a new year as a time of new beginnings.  A chance to wipe the slate clean, to reimagine and recreate our lives anew.  New beginnings are everywhere though.  In every moment, in every choice, we hold the possibility of something...

Fire & Water: Holding Space for Revolutionary Anger

Fire & Water: Holding Space for Revolutionary Anger

Anger is a call to action, a just and moral response.  Anger can be fuel. And yet anger without skill, without wisdom, is like a fire that can burn everything, including myself.  I felt a wave of anger wash over me last night as I read about the sentencing of an...

The Burnout Myths

The Burnout Myths

Burnout is a system problem manifesting in individuals Have you ever felt burnt-out? I hit my peak burnout about three years ago. It started with jaw pain & insomnia, a creeping feeling of cynicism for work I cared deeply about. Then came the anxiety, the...

WTH is internalised capitalism?

WTH is internalised capitalism?

Do you ever feel like you need to be doing more? Or perhaps feel guilty for resting?  How about prioritising work over pleasure? I have.  And if you've also felt this way, you may also have internalised capitalism. This isn't a blog about the virtues or problems of...