A Deeper Way is Calling

I haven’t written very much the last few years, not for someone who would call themselves a writer. I haven’t written because the words that would come out felt forced and contrite. They felt like words that I was supposed to say, stories and advice that belonged to someone else, not what was actually true. And so, with some exception, I held my voice back.

The In-Between

Navigating transitions - personal, professional, societal - can be tricky work. So often when we...

Resting When It’s Hard

If you’ve been reading my work a while, you’ve probably heard me talk about internalised...

The Third Way

 Years ago, I had a conversation with my therapist around accepting certain family dynamics as...

Hope in an age of despair

Hope is a practice. It is the stubborn commitment to believe in possibilities that we cannot yet...

Hot Take: Leadership Is Not The Same Thing As Power

Hot take. Just because you’re in a position of power, doesn’t mean that you are a leader. A common...

Gracious Limits

This is a Guest Post by Carol Wilson, the Founder and Transformative Conversation Guide for Table...